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Mystery of the "Ghost of Frankenstein" Photo

Written by Armand Vaquer

For years, I have seen the photo here and there of Lon Chaney Jr. as the Frankenstein monster in Ghost of Frankenstein (1942). The first time was in an issue of Famous Monsters of Filmland from the late 1960s.

The photo had a caption that said something like, "The monster ablaze, he lifts his gaze in agony." (Funny how I can remember stuff like this.)

I have always wondered about the photo and now there's something more to it.

This morning, I was perusing around YouTube and came upon a clip that was discovered by Don Glut. It is the same scene as the photo that's been floating around for years. As the video states, the photo was originally thought to be a publicity photo, but the footage seems to indicate that it was possibly an alternate ending filmed but not used.

The footage is quite interesting. It really shows the genius of make-up artist Jack Pierce. 

Above, yours truly with Don Glut at a Kong exhibition in 2017.

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